Saturday, February 28, 2009

a day in the life of....

ME.... :D Okay pretty boring I know. But I really fell I have to vent. I am sooo tired all the time!! I am sure you all can relate. Up before the sun, make the coffee, set out Robert's clothes (yes I know but he likes it). Put on some laundry to wash. Pour the coffee sit down with hunny for about 20 mins to enjoy coffee, while we both sit and get angry at the morning news (why do we insist on watching the news every morning it just pisses us off?)

Then He gets dressed the boys get up and the real fun begins. The arguing (normally the two of them sometimes I join in just for the heck of it)begins (yea right). I finally make sure they are showered, that they brushed everything that needs brushing, that they are wearing 2 shoes have the back packs, that the homework that we fought about the night before is in the backpacks (for real in just an I think so). We hop in the car (which I got back from the body shop by the way and I am so happy) Get to school just in time for older ds to tell me that he is late AGAIN (the kid hasn't had a tardy yet, why is he complaining) I clock in, and get to go spend the morning with 50 children who are something else.

I go into my first class room, and get all the photocoping to be done, hit the second room for the same thing. run to the work room, hope and pray there isn't a line and then wait fot the others beacuse there always is a line. Hurry back to the class rooms, do the hot lunch count only to have at least a child or two tell me they forgot to put themselves in the count.

Then I finally sit down, only to have something else to be copied thrown on my desk..So I go and do that. Then FINALLY I get to sit down to grade the homework or the 25 or so children. And sit and marvel at the fact that their parents actually signed their homework, when they miss so many problems. Either the parents are lying, or they are idiots.

Can't forget recess duty, which I soooo love (not). Sit on the playground for 15 mins and hope that nobody gets hurt.

On to class room number 2. Where I get to grade papers for the other 25 or so students , and go thru the whole what hwere they thinking thing all over again.

Then Finally it is luch recess time. I go out to lunch recess, park my hiney where I have a good view of the playground, and get up to tell this one not to do that and to tell that one not to do this. Back to my seat only to have to get up again, why do I even try to sit?

I finally get to clock out about noon-thirty..YEA!!! Then I get to go home and work around the house.

Always the kitchen, every other day the bathroom which is yucky cuz we only have ine and boys don't know how to aim very well if you get my drift.) Then laundry every day (it never ever ends) Then check out the puter a bit, check out the Grey Cat Gallery ( To see what Robert has done for me today (I just added some really fun pics by the way)... Then I check out my Brown Bags Parties sight ( I guess just o hope and see if I have made a sell (I know they would email me if that happened). Then I check my Etsy shops (which will be going bye-bye real soon)....

I watch a few minutes of Days of Our Lives. Then vacuum or I let Roomba do and he's so noisy I can't hear the TV.

Uh-oh, time to go get in the car line, and sit there for 30 mins til the boys get out. Go home get one or the other of them ready for baseball practice, send them off with a quick hi and bye kiss from Robert and then start dinner while the other one who didn't have practice does his homework grudgingly.

They other get home we eat, settle in for a few minutes and then it is finally bed time. PHEW!!! I got tired just typing all that.

I know you all have very busy lives too, but thanks for stopping by to read about my super duper, crazy hectic, wouldn't change a minute (oh yea the work thing I would change and I get to I don't have to work at the school next year) of it life!!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I sometimes feel like I have a bazillion irons in the fire. I have my Brown Bag Party stuff going on ( I have mytwo etsy stores (which I have been neglecting but I am honestly gonna close those soon).. and now my Love has very kindly and lovingly set up a new e-commerce store for photos and later we will add my aprons.... I have been have so much adding pics to the shop. Some I even forgot about but I have gone back and looked at them again.

I have been wanting a photo shop for a loooong time, so I am sooo happy this is finally done...

And on top of that I did it!!! I booked my first party!! Okay so I am giving it--hehe..but that's okay, it is going to be a blast!!! I can't wait!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

My Newest Business Venture

Well it has been a really long time since I posted to the blog, I am sorry...

But I wanted to share my latest venture...I have recently started selling Brown Bag products...I am now an independent consult and am joyfully trying to get this business started.

I am so happy to be able to help women find self confidence and show that tey can be in control when and how they like....

Please check out my shop...

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Okay so you know that I have two sons...this post is about little boys...and what society in general is trying to so to them. I work at school as most of you know and last week, a group of boys got in trouble for well being boys.

I'm not talking about beings PIGS but boys, they were wrestling, rough housing, horse play, what ever you want to call it, not hurting each other or anyone else in the least and they got in trouble.

Why is it that people are trying to wimpify our boys. Why is it that boys are no longer allowed to be boys. Why is it that we are trying to grow a generation of boys who will grow up to be castrated men. Who don't know how to be men, who don't know how to treat a lady (teaching girls to be ladies is a whole other post).

I truly think, that if we don't allow our boys to act like boys we are in for a sad sad day when they are grown. Think about it,how does the little poem go, what are little boys made of...snakes and snails and puppy dog tails....Let's let them still be boys, not girls not, boys who have no idea how to be men.

They can still be gentle, they can still be loving, but by God, let them act like boys. Let them wrestle, let them, play ball, (without girls), let them grow to be men that the ladies in their lives will one day depend on.

God made boys to be boys not neutered pups...

Thanks for listening...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

no title

Couldn't think of a title so that's the title. I am so very tired and worn out and need a break. But at least we ay be having a day or two of winter here in So Cal....Finally!!! (I was out of town for the Christmas rain).

I have been thinking about trying to write a kids book...I have had an idea running around in my head since the boys were little munchkins and now may do it. It's about a mischevious bunny...I will let you know how it goes....

I also wanted to share the cutest little monsters I found on Twitter...please check them out...How can you not love a cute furry monster that you get to design!!!??? WOOO!!! Yes I love monsters...there now it's out there.... I am a monster lover....

But check out these guys. They really are cute and cuddly and adorable.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Spring is almost here

Well here is is the middle of January and I am getting quite eager for baseball to begin. We registered the boys last weekend and I keep getting updates on what the Angels are doing. (which is not good by the way.)

I can't wait for Saturdays at the ballpark, watching my boys out on the field. Watching the Angels games every night, and hopefully making done to Anaheim a couple (okay more than a couple) of times this season.

Once Spring gets here for reals, this family eats, drinks, breath, sweats and bleeds baseball...I can't wait.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

lazy Sunday

so here i sit as the boys are all out back, the Ds's are playing in the dirt and DH is is doing I don't know what building a fire in the fire pit or something. Gorgeous day here though in the 70's abd bright and sunny... I love it!!!

We have been debating today wether or not we are going to send the boys to public school or not next year. Big decision, they have been at their school since Pre-K....

But I know we will make the right decion for them...